The solution allowing the exchange of documents in management systems

Edifarma is the solution that enables the compatibility of these documents.

It can be used to complement any of our solutions, optimizing their results and multiplying its benefits. Or can be developed as to any management system that requires implementation. Send, receive and upload documents to your ERP no longer requires overtime.

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) it is the communication procedure that allows the exchange of documents between different management systems of the parties involved in a business relationship.

The activity is not reduced only to purchase and sale operations: purchase orders, invoices, payment notice and other documents are also involved in this flow of information.


  • Optimization of logistics and administrative processes, documentation previously transmitted electronically.
  • Lower margin of error in the information shared by the sender and receiver, avoiding rework.

  • Significant reduction of load time and sending data.

  • Information is available for consultation at any time, by any of the parties involved in the process.

  • Standardization of communications between suppliers and customers.
  • Eliminates the need for physical space for storing documents in duplicate, stores all information via online.

Quality and standards

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