Regulatory Know how, we update our services on the basis of the regulations in force in each market.

Experience in connections with regulatory entities:
ANMAT (Argentina)
CRPT, Russia
ANVISA (Brazil)

Experience in implementation: 13 years of experience and more than 2000 active implementations in 20 countries.
Verifarma has extensive knowledge of the requirements of the Brazilian Medicines Control Agency (ANVISA) plus a team of professionals with experience in the implementation of traceability projects. Hence, it has a consultancy service to help defining the traceability plan for the whole pharmaceutical sector, and it may deliver to the customer a complete specification of the necessary requirements and resources to implement traceability at every level of the organization.
Verifarma’s consultancy includes the preparation of projects, data collection and documentation of processes with specialists present at the site. The service is mainly composed by the following events:
Initial meeting with the customer and presentation of a Schedule chart, developed and together with a Project manager, ensuring delivery after 5 weeks, depending on the number of logistics lines and operations.
Survey of data, processes and requirements of levels 1 and 2 – productive site, observing and considering the current processes, main requirements and expectations in connection with serialization.
Evaluation of workflow and definition of traceability processes, integrations for levels 3, 4 and 5 in logistics operations and distribution centers.
Development of processes and integrations flows for traceability, covering every data, flow diagrams and exclusive requirements for traceability.
Presentation of URS contemplating the serialization and traceability regulatory requirements.
Carr. Fuencarral 22, Alcobendas, 28108
+34 910 601 552
Italia 415, 1°, Vicente López
+54011 5263-9757
Avenida Paulista, 2073 Horsa II Cj.1702
+55 11 91307-6193
Teresa de Cepeda N34-260 y Av. de la República
Email: info@verifarma.com
If you are interested in working with us, contact us at info@www.verifarma.com