Management system for drugstores medical product distributors

distribuidores de productos médicos


Developed with the latest computer technologies. Modern, friendly and practical interface.


Security in transactions, logs and event tracking per user. Registration and approvals by user profile.


Remote access from any device connected to the internet. 24/7 service.


  • Automatic PVP update.

  • Tender management.

  • Administration of usual and special commercial conditions.

  • Dynamic display of conditions: drugstore discount, additional discount and bonuses.

  • Expiration alerts. Returns management.

  • Notifications by user profile.

  • Custom dashboard.

  • Time and cost reduction. Increase in quality and productivity.


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  • Automatic PVP update
  • Supplier base with customary and special conditions
  • Purchase Order Management – Dynamic display of discounts
  • Automatic Generation of Purchases – Historical Record of Purchases
  • Management of returns due to expiration or others
  • Import of Registers
  • Automatic capture of invoice data
  • Reports


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  • Entry and monitoring of Bids – Interface with Bionexo
  • Order Management – Authorization, entry and mobile visualization – Visualization and allocation of stock by expiration or others
  • Web orders
  • Electronic billing
  • Returns management
  • Import of Registers
  • Reports


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  • Articles Base
  • Inventory Control
  • Stock Expenditures and Income
  • Management between deposits
  • Carriers
  • Transfer administration
  • Automatic security stock alerts
  • Automatic alerts of expiration notices
  • Use of lots and expiration dates – Traceability with ANMAT
  • Valuated Inventory and Reports


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  • Collections and Payments
  • Debt Collection Management – Alerts
  • Administration of laboratory credit notes
  • Current accounts of clients and suppliers
  • Management of own and third party check portfolio
  • Movements of Funds and Concepts
  • Weekly Customer Summary
  • Reports


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  • User and profile management
  • General system settings
  • Closing Dates
  • Interface management
  • Command board

Quality and standards

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